
Real-Kill Roach & Ant Killer2 with fresh floral scent (fragancia floral) controls cockroaches, ants, carpenter ants, crickets, spiders, firebrats and silverfish. This non-staining, aerosol formula kills on contact and keeps killing for up to 3 months. Use Real-Kill Roach & Ant Killer2 as a spot treatment indoors along and behind baseboards; around and beneath appliances; and beneath and behind sinks. Also use to treat other areas where insects are often found, including in cracks and crevices; in dark corners of rooms, cabinets and closets; around pipes and plumbing; and around waste containers. To use this product, shake well before each use. Spray insects to kill on contact. For long-lasting control, treat areas where insects are commonly found. Spray the surfaces until wet, moving the spray rapidly to prevent excessive wetting and waste of product. Allow surfaces to remain wet for 5 minutes. When treating for ants (excluding fire ants and pharaoh ants), spray around door and window frames and treat other entry points and trails.

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